Stories of the Future

Two stories from a desirable near future that bring to life ARC’s Design Principles for resilient health systems.

These stories from the future are a form of speculative design that seek to illustrate our design considerations and learn from existing innovations to provide examples of a desirable future, where these are woven together into a wider, comprehensive healthcare network. While we typically think of designing specific interventions for healthcare challenges, these stories broaden the scope by building on our imagination, grounding health seeker needs and community resilience and opening up new perspectives on long-standing challenges. 

We want these stories to create space and act as catalysts for new imaginations of more resilient health systems in the future. The concepts and narratives presented here are not a reflection of what is, or what could be, but a provocation and invitation to diverse partners to think deeply about what their constituents want, and the needs of health seekers and community members. 

[Speculative design] thrives on imagination and aims to open up new perspectives on what are sometimes called wicked problems, to create spaces for discussion and debate about alternative ways of being, and to inspire and encourage people’s imaginations to flow freely. Design speculations can act as a catalyst for collectively redefining our relationship to reality…and although the future cannot be predicted, we can help set in place today factors that will increase the probability of more desirable futures happening.” — Speculative Everything: Design, Dreaming, and Social Dreaming, Anthony Dunne & Fiona Raby.